Pollution: Air pollution / air quality, Climate change, Drinking water contamination, Plastic pollution, Acid rain
Habitat destruction/extinction: Deforestation, Rainforests, Endangered species, Over hunting, Overfishing, Invasive species, Ocean acidification, Urban/suburban sprawl
Resources: World water crisis, Running out of nonrenewable resources, Sustainable building supplies
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3) ABC-CLIO: Understanding Controversy and Society
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31 March 2017
Works Cited
"A Brief History of Typewriters." A Brief History of Typewriters. N.p., n.d. Web.
29 Feb. 2017. <http://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/tw-history.html>.
"Christopher Latham Sholes." World of Invention. Gale, 2006.
Biography in Context. Web. 29 Feb. 2017.
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