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Human Impact: Home

Possible Topics

Chose a topic that interests you:

  • Plastic Pollution

  • Trash and Landfills

  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions

  • Water Pollution

  • Overconsumption of water

Presentation Options:

Choose a format to present everything you have learned about your topic.

  • Tri Fold Poster 

  • Canva Poster 

  • Canva Slideshow 

  • Canva video

Your presentation should include all the above information and also the below criteria:

  • Minimum of 2 images using Canva (10pts)
  • Minimum of 3 sources that are properly cited. (20pts)
  • At least one source needs to be from a library database
  • The presentation must be thoughtfully designed, and have no spelling or grammar mistakes. (20pts)

School Databases

For this project use at least one of the databases below. 

Remember to avoid plagiarism by citing your sources.  Make sure you put the citation on the bottom of each notecard. Citations are done for you in all Databases.

ABC-CLIO: Understanding Controversy and Society

*Username: lurgio  *Password: lurgio

EBSCO  login info: 

*Username: lurgio  

*Password: @library2

Gale In Context: Science

*Username: lurgio  *Password: lurgio

Find Copyright Safe Images Below

  1. Britannica ImageQuest  (These images are cited for you)
  2. Google Images    (Under Tools select: "Labeled for reuse")    

Databases have citations already created for you! Look for the following icons to find the citation:




*Username: lurgio  *Password: lurgio

Choose Student Resources in upper left hand corner 

Guiding Questions

1) What is the problem you are researching? 

  • In this section you will describe the human impact topic and include at least 3 interesting facts.

2) What causes this problem?

  •  In this section you will explain how this human impact occurs.

3) Why is it a problem?

  • In this section you will explain the possible environmental damage that this type of impact causes.

4) How can we minimize the impact of the problem? 

  • In this section you will explain what a person could do to help mitigate or limit the impact.

Plastic Pollution

Example of Citations

See Example HERE

Works Cited Document: SET THIS UP FIRST

  •    Title the document: (Human Impact Research Project)
  •    Times New Roman,   12 font,   Double Spaced

All Citations: 

  •    ABC order
  •    Every line AFTER the first is indented.
  •    (Return - Tab:  to indent any line after the 1st)

USE MyBib to create citation

Class Handouts


Instructor's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Handouts/Notes." Name of Course, Date handout was received, University/College, URL. Access date. Class handout.

Works Cited 

Easton, Todd. “Model Paper.” Economics 121, 10 Apr. 2019, University of Portland, Accessed 15 May 2019. Class handout.  

In-Text Citation Example:

 (Instructor's Last Name)

 Example: (Easton)


Your Name

Teacher's Name

Class or Assignment

7 February 2022

Works Cited

Cheng, Amy. "The world created about 8 million tons of pandemic plastic waste, and 

much of it is now in the ocean." Washington Post, 10 Nov. 2021, p. NA. Gale In 

Context: Science,

d=f6d1e618. Accessed 7 Feb. 2022.

Metcalfe, John. "From national parks to the deep sea, plastic pollution is showing up wherever 

scientists look." Washington Post, 14 June 2020. Gale In Context: Science,

u=bedf6824&sid=bookmark-SCIC&xid=30a6f30c. Accessed 7 Feb. 2022






Choose a format to present everything you have learned about your topic.

  • Tri Fold Poster 

  • Canva Poster 

  • Canva Slideshow 

  • Canva video


Your presentation should include all the above information and also the below criteria:

  • Minimum of 2 images using Canva (10pts)
  • Minimum of 3 sources that are properly cited. (20pts)
  • At least one source needs to be from a library database
  • The presentation must be thoughtfully designed, and have no spelling or grammar mistakes. (20pts)

Cite Your Sources

Why Do We Cite? Video

Click here to view the video titled Why You Need to Cite Sources


Use this citation generator to create your MLA style citations for your websites and books. (Databases already have citations available for you in the articles.)

Why Cite?

Give Credit to the Author or Creator

  • So you can get back to you source
  • Avoid Plagiarism
  • Stay Organized

Cite as you go!



Reliable Websites

TIP:  To find authoritative and reliable websites on Human Impact Issues you can trust websites ending in .edu, .gov.

TIP: In the Google search bar type:

EX: deforestation (your topic)


National (Type keyword into the search box and select 7th and 8th grade Articles)

Cite these websites using:MyBib





Relevant?  Is this information applicable to my research question?

Accurate? Is this information correct? Is the same content written on another book, database, or website?

Detail? How much detail do I need?

Current?  Is this information up to date?

Authority? Who is the author of this information?  What are their qualifications?

Bias?  Why did the author write this information? Is is intended to inform me? Persuade me or sell me something?

Works Cited:

Christensson, Karen M. "RADCAB Your Vehicle for Information Evaluation." Karen M. Christensson, 9 Mar. 2020,