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Ancient Egypt: Home

Ancient Egypt

School Subscription Databases

All have the same Username (ID) and Password. See the Library Staff for these.

These resources cite the information for you.


ABC-CLIO World Religions: Belief, Culture, and Controversy - Cites it

ABC-CLIO World History Ancient and Medieval Eras - Cites it

Britannica School Middle - Cites it

EBSCOHost explora - Cites it

Grolier Online Lands and Peoples- Cites it


Scholastic FreedomFlix eBooks & videos

Once you are logged in, click on the red "Ancient World" tab and you will be able to select from the following title:

The Ancient World Ancient Egypt by Nel Yomtov

This eBook & video does not include a citation.

This eBook is cited just like a book in print including the eBook's URL.

The MIS Library has print copies of this title that Scholastic FreedomFlix has in eBook form. 


This resource has the same Username (ID) and Password. See the Library Staff for this.

This resource cites the information for you.


Britannica Image Quest -Cites it

This is a great resource for art, clip art, images, and maps.

Discovery Education

Discovery Education

Click on the link above to access Discovery Education. This is a comprehensive resource that helps students to learn.

Print Books

Ancient Egypt Song by Mr. Nicky

Mrnickychicago. "ANCIENT EGYPT Song by Mr. Nicky." YouTube, 30 Sept. 2016. 2016. Web. 21 Nov. 2016.  


Egyptian God Anubis Oversees Burial Rites

"Egyptian God Anubis Oversees Burial Rites." World Religions: Belief, Culture, and

Controversy, ABC-CLIO, 2016,

Accessed 21 Nov. 2016.

Map of Egpt

Badr, Galal A. "Egypt." Reviewed by Louis J. Cantori. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Grolier Online, 2016.

          Web. 28 Nov. 2016.

Sample Works Cited Document - MLA 8

Jessica Anderson

Dr. Ramsey

Ancient Egypt

23 March 2021

Works Cited

Orr, Tamra. How’d They Do That? Ancient Egypt. Hockessin, DE,

     Mitchell Lane Publishers, 2010.

​Spielvogel, Jackson J. World History Journey Across Time:
    The Early Ages. 
New York,
    McGraw Hill-Glenco, 2008.

Stewart, David et al. You Wouldn't Want 
     to Be an Egyptian Mummy!:
     Disgusting Things You'd Rather Not Know. 

     New York, Franklin Watts, 2000.

"Tutankhamen." Britannica School, 
     Encyclopædia Britannica, 3 Feb. 2017. 
     Accessed 22 Feb. 2017.

Yomtov, Nelson. The Ancient World: Ancient Egypt. New York,

     Children's Press, 2013.

​Yomtov, Nelson. The Ancient World: 
     Ancient Egypt.
New York,
     Children's Press, 2013.

Oregon School Library Information System


Oregon School Library Information System

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  • Give credit to the author or creator/give credit where credit is due
  • So you can get back to your source(s)
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  • Avoid plagiarism
  • Stay organized

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Shadoof Irrigation

    A well using shaduf irrigation at the
    ancient city of Thyatira, in Asia Minor.
    Line engraving, 19th century.. Fine Art.
    Britannica ImageQuest.
    Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 25 May 2016.
    Accessed 17 Nov 2016.

Great Sphinx of Giza again Khafra's Pyramid

Egypt. Photograph. Britannica 
       ImageQuest,Encyclopædia Britannica, 
       25 May 2016. 
       Accessed 20 Jan 2017.

Other Reliable Websites

When you are researching Ancient Egypt the following website will be useful.