All have the same Username (ID) and Password. See the Library Staff for these.
These resources cite the information for you.
ABC-CLIO World Religions: Belief, Culture, and Controversy - Cites it
ABC-CLIO World History Ancient and Medieval Eras - Cites it
Britannica School Middle - Cites it
EBSCOHost explora - Cites it
Grolier Online - Cites it
This database has the same Username (ID) and Password. See the Library Staff for this.
This resource cites the information for you.
Britannica Image Quest - Cites it
This is a great resource for royalty-free images, clip art, and art for educational use.
Click on the link above to access Discovery Education. This is a comprehensive resource that helps students to learn.
Mr, song. “ANCIENT EGYPT Song by Mr. Nicky.” YouTube, 30 Sept. 2016,
Accessed 1 Jan. 2025.
"Egyptian God Anubis Oversees Burial Rites." World Religions: Belief, Culture, and
Controversy, ABC-CLIO, 2016,
Accessed 1 Jan. 2025.
"Egypt." Scholastic GO!, Accessed 1 Jan. 2025.
Melissa Pemberton (Student first and last name) all in size 12 Times New Roman or Arial font
Dr. Ramsey (Assigning teacher's name)
Ancient Egypt (Assignment title)
1 Jan. 2025 (Date in MLA format)
Works Cited
Cook, Hugo. Tales of Ancient Egypt. Neon Squid, 2024.
"Egypt." Scholastic GO!,
4042600.html. Accessed 1 Jan. 2025.
Lowe, Lindsey. Discovering the Technology of Ancient Egypt.
Discovering Ancient Technology, 2023.
Spielvogel, Jackson J. World History Journey Across Time:
The Early Ages. New York,
McGraw Hill-Glenco, 2008.
Stewart, David et al. You Wouldn't Want
to Be an Egyptian Mummy!:
Disgusting Things You'd Rather Not Know.
New York, Franklin Watts, 2000.
"Tutankhamen." Britannica School,
Encyclopædia Britannica, 3 Feb. 2017.
Accessed 1 Jan. 2025.
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Egypt. Photograph. Britannica
ImageQuest,Encyclopædia Britannica,
25 May 2016.
Accessed 1 Jan. 2025.
When you are researching Ancient Egypt the following websites will be useful. Be sure to cite as you go.
Scala/Art Resource. “Tutankhamen’s Tomb.” Scholastic GO!,
Accessed 1 Jan. 2025.