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Science in the News : Science in the News

Summarizing, Paraphrasing and Quoting

Three common techniques used to work other people's words and ideas into your writing are summarizing, paraphrasing  and quoting. What are they, specifically?



Condensing the author's words or ideas without altering the meaning or providing interpretation - you use your own words for this. Basically, presenting the original information in a nutshell.  Always cite it.

Tips on Summarizing


Restating, in your own words, the author's words or ideas without altering the meaning or providing interpretation. Paraphrases are about the same length as the original. Always cite it.

Tips on Paraphrasing


Using the author's exact words. Always cite it and use "quotation marks."

Tips on Quoting

Science in the News Database Resources

Science in Context on the Media Center Resource Page

All usernames (ID) and passwords are:    lurgio


               Gives you the citation at the end of the article



Under Featured News - browse for articles within the last year in:

   Science News - gives you the citation at the end of the article

   Popular Science - gives you the citation at the end of the article





Science in the News Reliable Online Websites

 Science  News for Students

      Does not give you the citation at the end of the article

     Use EasyBib: choose website

     Copy and paste URL into box, fill in as much info as possible.

Science Daily

     Gives you the citation at the end of the article, choose MLA style


Sample Works Cited Document / MLA Style

Noisy Nellie

Mrs. Wells

Science in the News -  Block __

9 April  2016 

Works Cited

Ornes, Stephen. "Doggy Dust Could Be a Good Thing." Student Science. Society

        for Science & the Public, 8 Jan. 2014. Web. 22 Jan. 2014.


Document - Times New Roman, 12 font, double spaced

Citation -  Times New Roman, 12 font, double spaced,  ABC order

      and every line AFTER the first is indented

     (RETURN, TAB to indent any line after the 1st)

Citation Generator

Easy Bib


Use this citation generator to create your MLA style citations for all your sources.

Why Cite?

  • Give Credit to the Author or Creator
  • Locate Sources
  • Avoid Plagiarism
  • Stay Organized

How to Evaluate Information on the Web


Who: Who wrote the pages and are they an expert? Is a biography of the author included? How can you find out more about the author?

What: What is the purpose of this site?  What is the URL of the site and what might that tell you about its purpose?  What aspects of the site make it difficult/easy to use? (For example: typos, easy navigation, nice layout, images, too much advertising, etc.)

When: When was the site last updated?  Does the site even have a date?  Does the currency of the information directly impact your subject?

Where: Where is this information coming from?  Is there an "About Us" on the site to read about the publisher or who is responsible for the site?

Why: Why is this website useful for your research? Why should you use this information? Could you find the information through a better source?

Since anyone can put information on the web and it is not reviewed, always read the "About Us" section on the website to check for information about the author and the sponsor of the site.