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School Subscription Databases

All have the same Username (ID) and Password. See the Library Staff for these.

These resources cite the information for you.


ABC-CLIO World Geography: Understanding a Changing World - Cites it

ABC-CLIO World Religions: Belief, Culture, and Controversy - Cites it

ABC-CLIO World History Ancient and Medieval Eras - Cites it

Britannica School Middle - Cites it

Scholatic GO! - Cites It


Scholastic FreedomFlix eBooks & videos

Once you are logged in, click on the red "Ancient World" tab and you will be able to select from the following title:

The Ancient World Ancient Egypt by Nel Yomtov

This eBook & video does not include a citation.

This eBook is cited just like a book in print including the eBook's URL.

The MIS Library has print copies of this title that Scholastic FreedomFlix has in eBook form. 


This resource has the same Username (ID) and Password. See the Library Staff for this.

This resource cites the information for you.


Britannica Image Quest -Cites it

This is a great resource for art, clip art, images, and maps.

Discovery Education

Discovery Education

Click on the link above to access Discovery Education. This is a comprehensive resource that helps students to learn.

Research How Tos by Dr. Rachael Ramsey

FLEECAMP Presentation by Dr. Ramsey

Map of World

"Topographic." World Geography: Understanding a Changing World, ABC-CLIO, 2020,  Accessed 20 Sept. 2020.

Sample Works Cited Document - MLA 8

Melissa Pemberton (Student Name)

Dr. Ramsey (Assigning Teacher's Name)

FLEECAMP (Assignment Title)

15 Oct. 2020 (Date MLA 8 Format)

Works Cited (Centered on Page)

​Spielvogel, Jackson J. World History Journey Across Time:
    The Early Ages. 
New York,
    McGraw Hill-Glenco, 2008.

​Yomtov, Nelson. The Ancient World: 
     Ancient Egypt.
New York,
     Children's Press, 2013.

FLEECAMP eBook Resources Available in Destiny Discover

Click on the image below to be brought to Destiny Discover to Access a Collection of eBooks

Please be sure to log in to Destiny Discover to access these eBooks. Click on the "Log In" button in the upper right-hand corner of Destiny Discover and use the "Sign in with Google" button if you are working from a Chromebook, otherwise you will need your student ID number and your case sensitive password to log in. 

Oregon School Library Information System


Oregon School Library Information System

Use this citation generator to create MLA 8 style citations for your sources.

Why Cite?

  • Give credit to the author or creator/give credit where credit is due
  • So you can get back to your source(s)
  • So others can find your source(s)
  • Avoid plagiarism
  • Stay organized

Cite as you go! Format after!


Make sure that you always give credit where credit is due. The website linked above does NOT require you to log in to create a citation using the MLA8 format. 

Flipster Digital Periodicals/Magazines

Flipster is an EBSCO product which we use to access digital magazines. McKelvie currently subscribes to 8 online magazines.

Remember:  User ID: mckelvie (all lowercase letters)  Password: #03110

Click on the image link below to access Flipster. This link will allow you to access  digitally, past and current, magazines that we subscribe to.