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Why Students Plagiarize

Cite Your Sources

Easy Bib

To be a responsible researcher you must give credit to your source of information in a citation and then put into your bibliography / works cited.

citation is a reference to the source of an idea, information or image. A citation typically includes enough identifying information, such as the author, title, and publication format, for a reader to be able to access the original source.


Why Cite?


  • Give Credit to the Author or Creator
  • Locate Sources
  • Avoid Plagiarism
  • Stay Organized


As you read � Write it down now!

Copyright & Fair Use Guidelines for Teachers

Fair Use

The Copyright Act gives the owner of a copyright the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute their work. One exception to this exclusive right is called "the fair use exception." The fair use exception permits the reproduction of a small portion of a copyrighted work without the copyright owner's permission, but only under very limited circumstances.The purpose is to allow students, scholars, and critics the right to reference a copyrighted work in their own scholarship, teaching, and critiques.


Plagiarism is when you use someone else's words or ideas and pass them off as your own

Great Site For All About Plagiarism

Sample MLA 8 Works Cited Page

Works Cited Document: SET THIS UP FIRST

  •    Title the document: (Bill of Rights Presentation)
  •    Times New Roman,   12 font,   Double Spaced

All Citations: 

  •    ABC order
  •    Every line AFTER the first is indented.
  •    (Return - Tab:  to indent any line after the 1st)


Your Name

Teacher's Name

Class or Assignment

24 January 2017

Works Cited


     " Bill of Rights Institute. Bill of Rights Institute, 2017. Web. 26 Jan. 2017.


"First Amendment." Britannica School. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2017.

     Web. 24 Jan. 2017. <>.

Summarizing, Paraphrasing and Quoting

Quoting, Summarizing, and ParaphrasingThree common techniques used to work other people's words and ideas into your writing are quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing. What are they, specifically?


Using the author's exact words. Always cite it and use "quotation marks."

Tips on Quoting


Condensing the author's words or ideas without altering the meaning or providing interpretation - you use your own words for this. Basically, presenting the original information in a nutshell. Always cite it.

Tips on Summarizing


Restating, in your own words, the author's words or ideas without altering the meaning or providing interpretation. Paraphrases are about the same length as the original. Always cite it.

Tips on Paraphrasing

Educational Use

Under the “fair use” provision of copyright law, a person may make limited use of another author’s work without asking permission. As I note in the Fair Use Checklist box:

"There's no one right answer as to what constitutes a "fair use" of a particular copyrighted work. The answer varies from situation to situation."

Please use these examples as a suggested starting point and be sure to use the Fair Use Evaluator, if you deem it appropriate to do so. Also, please be advised that courts are not bound by established standards or guidelines and the Copyright Act contains no such standards. Therefore, we advise that you conduct your own fair use evaluation. 

Print Materials:

  • A single chapter from a book (5% of work for in print; 10% of work for out of print)
  • A single article from a journal issue or newspaper
  • A short story, essay, or poem from an individual work.
  • A single chart, diagram, graph, drawing, cartoon, or picture from a book, journal, magazine, or newspaper.

Distributing Copies

  • Copies made should not substitute the purchase of books, journals, etc.
  • Always provide a copyright notice on the first page of the copied material. At bare minimum your notice should state: "Notice: This material is subject to the copyright law of the United States."
  • Provide only one copy per student.
  • Copying the works for subsequent semesters requires copyright permission from the publisher.

Using Materials Found on the Internet

  • Always credit the source
  • If you are using the information on your personal web page ask permission or simply link to the site
  • If you receive permission to use the material keep a copy for your records

Using Multimedia

Multimedia works are created by combining copyrighted elements such as movies, music, sounds, graphics, and text. It is recommended that you use only small portions of other people's works.

Evaluating Information On The Web


Who: Who wrote the pages and are they an expert? Is a biography of the author included? How can you find out more about the author?

What: What is the purpose of this site?  What is the URL of the site and what might that tell you about its purpose?  What aspects of the site make it difficult/easy to use? (For example: typos, easy navigation, nice layout, images, too much advertising, etc.)

Where: Where is this information coming from?  Is there an "About Us" on the site to read about the publisher or who is responsible for the site?

When: When was the site last updated?  Does the site even have a date?  Does the currency of the information directly impact your subject?

Why: Why is this website useful for your research? Why should you use this information? Could you find the information through a better source?

Since anyone can put information on the web and it is not reviewed, always read the "About Us" section on the website to check for information about the author and the sponsor of the site.

Internet Search Tip


         SEARCH TIP

ADD -    or    

to the end of your search 

Are You a Good Digital Citize?