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Famous Monuments and Historic Sites in Paris: Home

Famous Monuments and Historic Sites in Paris

You must include:

  • the date the building / monument was constructed and by whom
  • where the building / monument is located
  • pertinent history (write about any role this building / monument played throughout history and include any significant historical figures and their role in its history)
  • why the building / mnonument is significant
  • any other interesting facts or information
  • include a list of works cited
  • include a visual (your own drawing or painting or 3-D model of the site / monumnet / building)
  • Be creative!!

Sample Works Cited Document / MLA Style

Your Name

Mrs. Anderson

French Block ___

23 April 2014

Works Cited

"Musée D'Orsay." , Paris. N.p., 2014. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.



Works Cited Document

Times New Roman

12 font

Double spaced

Every line AFTER the 1st is indented

ABC order

Citation Generator

Easy Bib


Use this citation generator to create your MLA style citations for all your sources.

Copy and paste the URL into EasyBib and fill in as much information not already given that you can.

Choose create citation and copy and paste the citation into your Works Cited document.

Why Cite?

  • Give Credit to the Author or Creator
  • Locate Sources
  • Avoid Plagiarism
  • Stay Organized